Our development studio is called Leftovers. We have chosen this name after a very long meeting and a heated discussion. During this discussion we had some pizze and we had some leftovers, hence the name.
Meet our teammembers:
Finn "Azpet" van der Heide:
Good morning to all of you! My name is Finn van der Heide and I’m a student at the University of Utrecht. At the moment I’m studying Gametechnology, that is a specialization of computer science. That is also the main reason why I’m even writing this down at all, because we have to make a game in a small group. But enough about the study or the game! I was born in the Netherlands about 19 years ago and I was always interested in games. When I grew older they still gave me a great feeling, especially when I made a new highscore or I reached the next level, so that’s when it came to me. I want to create my own games! So when I could join the University the choice was easy. Now I am here, ready for the future, ready to make my own game.
Bas "Basekan" de Kan:
My name is Bas de Kan. In this team i have taken the role of leadprogrammer, this means that i wil mostly be programming. another of my tasks in the team is to make a fantastic soundtrack for our game. I come from 's-Gravenzande a little town in the Netherlands and am studying Gametechnology at the University of utrecht.
Oscar "Orderofthewhiskers" Schuurman:
Hi, my name is Oscar Schuurman. I'm a student in GameTechnologie at the University of Utrecht. I'm originally from Pijnacker, the Netherlands but I live in Utrecht now. My part in the Leftovers is optimizing the code to make sure everything runs a efficient as possible. I'm very excited about the upcoming project because it has been my dream for a long time to create a game of our own. I will do my utmost best to help create a wonderful, interesting and above all fun game that everyone will enjoy playing.
Thomas "Okisaan" van Halteren:
Hey I'm a dutch student Gametechnology, and i have a passion for games (surprised?). So, who am I? What do I do? Well, inside Leftovers my main task is, besides programming, to provide the artwork implemented in the game. Also, when you see promotion material at some point, it is likely I created it. Outside Leftovers, I am a gamer/actor, all for fun. That is really everything i can tell you rigth now. ;)
Dennis "Dennimus" Oosterling:
Why hello to everyone reading this. I am Dennis Oosterling and i come from Breskens, in the Netherlands. At the moment i am studying Game Technology at the University of Utrecht. When i needed to decide what i was going to study my first reaction to this study was: wow i need to do this. I have been gaming for a long time and always wanted to create my own games, and this was my chance. And now I made the first move by joining Leftovers.
Thomas "Okisaan" van Halteren:
Hey I'm a dutch student Gametechnology, and i have a passion for games (surprised?). So, who am I? What do I do? Well, inside Leftovers my main task is, besides programming, to provide the artwork implemented in the game. Also, when you see promotion material at some point, it is likely I created it. Outside Leftovers, I am a gamer/actor, all for fun. That is really everything i can tell you rigth now. ;)
Dennis "Dennimus" Oosterling:
Why hello to everyone reading this. I am Dennis Oosterling and i come from Breskens, in the Netherlands. At the moment i am studying Game Technology at the University of Utrecht. When i needed to decide what i was going to study my first reaction to this study was: wow i need to do this. I have been gaming for a long time and always wanted to create my own games, and this was my chance. And now I made the first move by joining Leftovers.
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