vrijdag 10 januari 2014

Alpha time!!

Now that the holidays are over, it is time for another update on Elemental madness.
I hope everyone had a very nice holiday season, and got the presents they wanted. We haven't really done much about elemental madness during the holidays, so we had to pick it up again at the start of this week. During this weeks meeting we made a decision to make an alpha version of the game, so you can start playing the game, and help us out by giving us feedback. We will then use this feedback to make the game even better, if that is even possible. While you are playing the game, we will continue to make more enemies for you to kill and more levels to play. The alpha version will be online on Saturday at 8 PM CET.
During the same meeting we decided to change up the artstyle of our game, the previous style would give our artist to much work in to little time. So we decided to change to a more pixelated artstyle. Next to this you can see our new player sprites for the game. 

Now that our alpha version is almost finished, we can focus on expanding the gameplay elements. Our goal in the next couple of weeks is to make more powers for you to choose from, in the alpha version you will have 3 standard powers. Later in the development we will add more of the powers, and also we will add synergy between powers, for example you can combine water and electricity to make it more effective. 
We will also be making a lot of new levels, so the game will never be the same each time you play it. Each time you beat 5 levels, you get to fight a boss. And we will be making new enemies which will al have their own strong points and weak points. There are 2 different kinds of enemies, a melee enemy and a ranged enemy. 

here is a little teaser for tomorrow evening:
saturday 11-1 at 8 PM CET we will make sure that the alpha is available for download.

 well then that was it for this weeks update, have fun playing the game tomorrow, give us feedback so we can make the game better (like that is even possible ;p)

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